1st booklet, front and back
Selfportrait. In reminescence of a journalist in a film-noir theme.
1st booklet, 2nd double page
“Open day”, a lot of balloons to be blown up.
1st booklet, 3rd double page
Coumunication statistcs and the “Janus”, the roman god of beginnings and transitions.
1st booklet, 4th double page
mission briefing.
2nd booklet, front and back cover
Film-noir-Cover and a protrait of my teacher and director
2nd booklet, 2nd double page
portraits of famous philosophers.
2nd booklet, 3rd double page
more portraits of famous philosophers.
2nd booklet, 3rd double page
My teacher told a story from her life...
3rd booklet, 2nd double page
Mass communications and mass media
1st booklet, poster
booklet: DIN A5, Poster: DIN A2
1st booklet, poster